Monday, April 11, 2011

Be still

I have been stressed about a few situations lately. I have prayed about them and tried to give it all over to God. I keep telling myself "Be still and know that I am God", but I just can't seem to quit worrying. This morning, on my drive in, I spent some time praying and stressing. Then this verse came to me:
Mark 4:39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.
If He can still the waters, can't he still my heart? Can't He calm me? Bring me peace? I guess only if I let Him. I don't know the outcome of these situations, but I want Jesus to calm them and get honor and glory in them. Lord, help me to be still!


  1. Dear Carol, I know how you feel. I have recently spent the last two weeks under a great deal of stress and it is hard to learn to let go. I hope you will find your peace and a good outcome to your problem. Mine is past, and I did a lot of praying, I can tell you!

  2. Carol another verse that I think of in times of stress is "perfect love casts out all fear" l John 4:18. Fear is often at the bottom of my stress - realizing that and taking it He who is perfect love -asking for His Spirit to fill me with his love. No matter what the outcome of the situations- remembering and holding on tight to the truth that you are His precious Princess and he adores you and is making you more in the likeness of Christ with each situation. ( I am so preaching to myself right now as we have a big oops we are dealing with in our ministry)

    bee blessed

  3. Oh Carol I don't know which way you are heading when you go to Colorado but if you are traveling through our way I would love to meet you. Was going to email you but cannot find an email for you.
