My best friend Theresa's grandson Tommy is has been living with her lately. He is 19 and has been blind from birth. Since living with her, she has been trying to get him enrolled in college, has found classes to teach him how to live on his own and has applied for him to get a guide-dog. He has done very well lately and is learning how to be independant.
Last week a gentleman came to their house to measure Tommy's stride, to know what size dog he needs and talk to them about the school down in Florida he will be going to for almost a month to learn how to handle the dog etc. During the visit, Tommy meantioned that he would be starting to college in August. The man asked if the guide dog folks knew that. Tommy repied that he thought so but wasn't sure. He said that they would really have to get the ball moving to get Tommy down to Florida for the training and back before school starts. He told them that he would make some phone calls and see what could be done to "fast-track" everything so the timing will work out. He told them be ready--things could move quickly.
When Theresa told me all of this on Monday, I asked her how was she going to get it to happen and Tommy be back in time for school. This could be a problem. Her answer to me was that they fully expected God to work it all out and that it WAS going to happen and Tommy get back in time for school--there will be no hitches! They were getting ready and would be ready to drive to Florida with very little warning. OK! we'll see!!
When I spoke to her this morning, she told me that Tommy will be going to the guide dog school in July and will finish WITH 3 WHOLE DAYS TO SPARE before staring college in August! It was all set up and the plan is made! I thought--talk about cutting it close!
After we hung up for some reason, I thought about the story of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. They were very good friend's of Jesus. Lazarus became ill. Mary and Martha sent for Jesus, having FAITH that he could heal their brother. But for some reason, Jesus didn't hurry to Lazarus' side even though he loved him very much. He waited a few days and then went to them. He was told that Lazarus had died-- that Jesus was too late. Or was he? Jesus went to the tomb and rose Lazarus from the dead. His timing was right on. Why? Because ALL things are to honor God. He proved who he was to the Jews by this sign of rasing Lazarus and God got the honor from it. Mary and Martha had faith that Jesus could HEAL him but not raise him. Thersa and Tommy never doubted that somehow God would work out the details and get Tommy to Florida and back in time for school. Their faith is real. May God get the honor!!!
Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose
Matthew 8:26 And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.
Last week a gentleman came to their house to measure Tommy's stride, to know what size dog he needs and talk to them about the school down in Florida he will be going to for almost a month to learn how to handle the dog etc. During the visit, Tommy meantioned that he would be starting to college in August. The man asked if the guide dog folks knew that. Tommy repied that he thought so but wasn't sure. He said that they would really have to get the ball moving to get Tommy down to Florida for the training and back before school starts. He told them that he would make some phone calls and see what could be done to "fast-track" everything so the timing will work out. He told them be ready--things could move quickly.
When Theresa told me all of this on Monday, I asked her how was she going to get it to happen and Tommy be back in time for school. This could be a problem. Her answer to me was that they fully expected God to work it all out and that it WAS going to happen and Tommy get back in time for school--there will be no hitches! They were getting ready and would be ready to drive to Florida with very little warning. OK! we'll see!!
When I spoke to her this morning, she told me that Tommy will be going to the guide dog school in July and will finish WITH 3 WHOLE DAYS TO SPARE before staring college in August! It was all set up and the plan is made! I thought--talk about cutting it close!
After we hung up for some reason, I thought about the story of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. They were very good friend's of Jesus. Lazarus became ill. Mary and Martha sent for Jesus, having FAITH that he could heal their brother. But for some reason, Jesus didn't hurry to Lazarus' side even though he loved him very much. He waited a few days and then went to them. He was told that Lazarus had died-- that Jesus was too late. Or was he? Jesus went to the tomb and rose Lazarus from the dead. His timing was right on. Why? Because ALL things are to honor God. He proved who he was to the Jews by this sign of rasing Lazarus and God got the honor from it. Mary and Martha had faith that Jesus could HEAL him but not raise him. Thersa and Tommy never doubted that somehow God would work out the details and get Tommy to Florida and back in time for school. Their faith is real. May God get the honor!!!
Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose
Matthew 8:26 And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.